SEVEN tells the story of Yohana, a teenage girl from a remote community in the Norwegian Arctic who must decide the fate of the oil worker who has killed her father. In just seven seconds, she must make a life and death decision that will not only mark her forever, but also determine the very future of her people.
SEVEN unfolds in a stunning hinterland of rearing cliffs and vast seascapes, 50 miles within the Arctic Circle. Yet this is contested territory: outsiders are threatening a centuries old way of life as they seek to exploit the area’s natural resources.
Funded by the British Film Institute and Creative England, SEVEN occupies the liminal space where wilderness and culture, tradition and modernity collide. As the drama unfolds, nature looks on, silent, vast and implacable.
Director / WRITER
James Morgan
Dagny Backer Johnsen
Trond Teigen
Nicholas Boulton
Johnny Langenheim
Emily Spicer
Director of Photography
Benjamin Sadd
Jack Wyllie
Production Designer
Solveig Elton Jacobsen
Executive Producer
Alice Ramsey
Local Producer
Gisle Normann Melhus
Sound design
Will Ward
VFX Supervisor
Nick Rosier
Underwater cameraman
Mark Sharman
Location sound
Valerio Cerini
James Bamford
Foley Artist
Sue Harding
Stunt diver
Lee Stevens